The Pros and Cons of an Accountable Care Organization

If you are a doctor, then you are probably hearing a lot about ACO solutions on a daily basis. The big question for many doctors is What is an accountable care organization? ACO is defined as a group of medical professionals that are working together to give high quality, low cost care to the public at large.

There are three different parts to this system. These are organized care, payment reform, and performance measurement. Of course, as with any other type of medical advance, ACO analytics comes with its own set of pros and cons. Read on below for a few of them to help you make your decision.

The Pros of ACO’s

When it comes to ACO managment, you need to realize that there are going to advantages. Read on below for a few of them.

Joining an ACO allows you to promote health information. This helps you to be able to communicate efficiently with other organizations that might have information on health care that you can use.

You don’t have to pay for the entire thing yourself. It is nice to know that sharing the risk means sharing the responsibility as well. You share the payments, so no one is left footing the bill.


The biggest advantage of joining an ACO of course is to the patients. They get better care, have more choices, and access to more benefits as well. If the patient is happy, then the doctor is happy.

The Cons of ACO’s

Of course, where there are pros to joining an ACO, there are going to be cons as well. Read on for a few of these cons below.

Starting an infrastructure like an ACO is sure to be expensive, so many professionals complain about the cost.

Shared risk also means that you make decisions together. If you are used to doing things your way and don’t like making decisions, then you will not want to join an ACO. You have to work together to make decisions.

It is important to keep an eye on confidential records and patient privacy even more when you are in an ACO, because the information is shared with so many.

These are just a few of the pros and cons of starting an ACO. You should weigh them carefully, before you make any final decisions. There is a lot changing in the health care industry and accountable care solution of course, you want to be right at the top of it.